So lately I am interested in finding a mate. I go through this every once in awhile, and I've learned not to express it to too many people (though I have no qualms about posting it here!) because they seem to think being content in my singlehood and wanting to possibly remarry are, of course, mutually exclusive. On the surface it may seem so. However, I really am a mysterious and complicated specimen of a woman. :)
What surprised me the most, I think, was the lack of Christian singles articles/websites that exist that embrace the life of the Christian single. Do a google search on "Christian single" and you will find lots of Christian dating sites, or, here are the SCARY ones, those that CONDEMN singleness and advocate marriage, in my opinion, for EVERYONE, like one by a married man (shocking, I know, and I thought that I saw earlier it's by him and his wife, but I can't find where I saw that now) right here on blogger,
That pretty much gave me a coronary.
THEN there is a website I thought looked promising, as its description on google said "Inspiration, encouragement and support for Christian singles who may or may not feel called to singleness, but who desire to live purposeful lives for Jesus Christ." So I clicked open the site, and the article that came up talked about celibacy. And this man defines being celibate as having never engaged, and planning to never engage, in sexual behavior. EVER.
Obviously, having been married and having an 8-year-old mini-me walking around, I know no one's going to be so naive to think my V-card hasn't been swept, if not on my wedding night, then at the very least the time Max was conceived. So apparently, in order to bear spiritual fruit, I had better get married again real quick, because I am a single non-virgin, and therefore do not qualify to be one of the persons who serves the Lord the way Paul talks about in I Corinthians 7. The article in question can be found here
I'd like to think the rest of is okay, and the guy who wrote this article is just a complete nut job, but I am done searching for now. Oh, and I'm seriously rethinking finding a mate, if only to spite the smug marrieds. :)